This will make a mesh based off a given grid. Ideally the mesh construction and validation should be done by hand, but this exists for convenience. Meshes are used for sim_ays_covar_spde. The defaults are designed for the default grid. Just a basic interface between the grid and inla.mesh.2d.
grid object to make a mesh of
The largest allowed triangle edge length. One or two values. This is passed to inla.mesh.2d
The optional outer extension value given to offset.
Minimum distance allowed between points
The automatic extension distance given to inla.mesh.2d
Other options to pass to inla.mesh.2d
Returns an object of class inla.mesh
# \donttest{
if (requireNamespace("INLA")) {
basic_mesh <- make_mesh()
#> Loading required namespace: INLA
# }